Colorado Springs company joins forces with academy to counter cyberattacks Colorado Springs-based cybersecurity provider root9B announced Monday that it will work with the Air Force Academy to develop technology to […]
Tag: root9B Technologies
root9B Announces Security Effort with United States Air Force Academy
The best work, traditionally, in counterintelligence has of course come from military efforts during war time. Well, not any more. Now, private firms looking to keep secrets safe from competitors […]
root9B Announces Collaborative Effort with United States Air Force Academy
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — root9B, a root9B Technologies (otcqb:RTNB) company and leading provider of advanced Cybersecurity products, services, and training for commercial and government clients, announced a collaborative effort with […]
root9B CEO Eric Hipkins Joins Cybersecurity Ventures Board of Advisors
root9B CEO Eric Hipkins Joins Cybersecurity Ventures Board of Advisors COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Oct. 20, 2016 — Eric Hipkins, Chief Executive Officer of root9B, a root9B Technologies (OTCQB: RTNB) company, […]
root9B Awarded Department of Defense and Critical Infrastructure Contracts
root9B Awarded Department of Defense and Critical Infrastructure Contracts Ongoing Business Development Activities Yield More Than $12M in Contracts and Increased Industry Visibility COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Oct. 19, 2016 — […]
root9B wins in court
‘Unpersuasive’ Isn’t ‘False,’ Judge Rules – DENVER (CN) – A federal judge dismissed an investor’s class action accusing a computer security firm of lying about preventing a Russian hacking group’s attack, to bolster its flagging stock price.
Joe Grano on Wall Street Week
Joe Grano: Economy is more anemic than we’re being told – Root9B Technologies CEO and former UBS Paine Webber chairman Joe Grano on the state of the U.S. economy.
Joe Grano on Fox Business
What does America need to fend off the cyber threat? – Root9B Technologies CEO Joe Grano on efforts to improve cyber security in America.
Dan Wachtler Named President & COO of root9B Technologies
root9B Technologies (OTCQB: RTNB) today announced that Dan Wachtler has been named President and Chief Operating Officer (COO), effective immediately. Formerly, Mr. Wachtler was President and CEO of root9B Technologies’ […]
Inside The Secret World Of Code-To-Code Combat
Root9B, cybersecurity’s top-ranked innovator, uses military-style tactics to thwart hackers in action—on the inside.
root9B Statement on Remaining #1 in the Cybersecurity 500
root9B Statement on Remaining #1 in the Cybersecurity 500 For 3rd Consecutive Quarter In response to remaining #1 in the Cybersecurity 500, root9B’s Chief Executive Officer Eric Hipkins issued the […]
root9B Remains #1
Trillion Dollar Cybersecurity Industry’s Top 500 Companies For Q3 2016 Cybersecurity 500 is the Definitive List of the World’s Hottest and Most Innovative Cybersecurity Companies Cybersecurity Ventures announces the Q3 2016 […]
root9B to be featured on Viceland
How ‘Cyber Guards’ Patrol Networks Looking For Hackers Given the ever-increasing and seemingly unstoppable pervasiveness of hacks and cyber thefts, every year seems to be the year of the data […]
root9B in WSJ
root9B Awarded Subcontract Supporting U.S. CYBER COMMAND COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., June 3, 2016 — root9B, a root9B Technologies (OTCQB: RTNB), company and leading provider of advanced cybersecurity services and training […]
root9B in WSJ
root9B Technologies Provides 2016 Financial Outlook Forecast Calls for Net Revenue of Approximately $48.0 Million; Cybersecurity Revenue Expected to Increase by 370% from 2015 NEW YORK, May 24, 2016 — […]
Root9b technologies provides 2016 financial outlook
root9B Technologies Provides 2016 Financial Outlook Forecast Calls for Net Revenue of Approximately $48.0 Million; Cybersecurity Revenue Expected to Increase by 370% from 2015 Expects Annual Operating Loss to Significantly […]
root9B Remains #1
root9B Statement on Remaining #1 in the Cybersecurity 500 In response to being named #1 in the Cybersecurity 500 for the 2nd consecutive quarter, root9B’s Chief Executive Officer Eric Hipkins […]
root 9B and Dick Grasso rule
Cyber investing recap for CISOs The 2016 Cyber Investing Summit was held at the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street earlier this week. For CSOs and IT security executives […]
root9B featured on cybersecurity
Springs focused on being hub of industry Colorado Springs’ economic future could depend on how it fits within an emerging industry to tackle hackers. Millions, even billions, of dollars could […]
root9b tops Cybersecurity Ventures' Cyber Top 10 list
The World’s 10 Hottest Cybersecurity Companies To Watch In 2016 Cybersecurity Ventures announces the Cyber Top 10 for 2016, a global compilation of the leading companies who provide cybersecurity solutions […]