Yonkers installs waterwheel in Saw Mill River park
YONKERS – A new downtown park added a large waterwheel and pedestrian bridge on Wednesday.
Construction workers were busy Wednesday morning preparing the large waterwheel’s mooring in a concrete channel next to the Saw Mill River at New Main Street. The installation is the latest milestone for the third phase of a plan to transform parts of the previously covered Saw Mill River into parks.
It is expected to be finished by the fall, according to Andrew Grundy, a senior project manager at PS&S.
“The remaining work after the waterwheel and the bridge go in is going to be … concrete curbing, sidewalks within the park, pavers within the park and then landscaping,” said Grundy.
Read more here: https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/yonkers/2018/06/27/yonkers-installs-waterwheel-saw-mill-river-park/734461002/