‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

New York, NY (November 23, 2011) – And all through the land…people are heading out, do you know what they’ve planned?
Well known by restaurants, bars and clubs as the biggest night of the year, Wednesday, November 23, is the night more friends…typically home for a Thanksgiving weekend or kicking off the holiday season…are out and about.
The numbers on Hotlist.com support that.
“No matter what the city, we’re seeing lots of places trending with big crowds,” says Chris Mirabile, co-founder and CEO of the location-based social website.
Using the recently launched app for iPhones…or the new website itself, Hotlist users can now check out where their Facebook friends are going…or see the anticipated crowds, with guy-to-girl ratios and Facebook photos of attendees, for any city in the world.
“It’s a great planning tool,” added Mirabile. “I’ve already picked out a few places I’ll be hitting tonight.”
For more information about Hotlist, please contact:
Richie Grasso: richie@zitopartners.com ; (212) 403-6812