What is Tilray’s potential in the global cannabis market? The company’s shares skyrocketed with their recent acquisition of eight beer and beverage brands from Anheuser-Busch InBev.
But how much of Tilray’s potential is real growth versus hype? We’ve seen grand predictions from licensed cannabis producers before.
Canopy, for example, is trading 99% below all-time highs. And remember when Aurora said they’d supply a third of all Canadian cannabis?
But what about Tilray? Does Tilray have the potential to succeed where other LPs have failed?
CLN talked to Jason Wilson, cannabis research and banking expert at ETF Managers Group (ETFMG), on the ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF, MJ, to provide insight into Tilray’s potential.
Read more here: https://cannabislifenetwork.com/tilray-potential/