I admire the coverage ESPN and The New York Times have been giving the women’s World Cup. The ESPN on-air talent, especially Ian Darke, Julie Foudy, Brandi Chastain and Bob Ley, have been outstanding.
The Times has been devoting a full page to photos and stories from Germany. Again, kudos to both organizations.
On the other hand, we are about to be immersed in Roger Clemens trial coverage for six weeks. Does anyone still care about what Clemens did or didn’t do. Couldn’t that money be more helpful elsewhere?
And how about The Star-Ledger coverage of the classless attack by NJ Senate President Stephen Sweeney on NJ Governor Chris Christie? The NJ newspaper finds a pollster from Monmouth University who feels “it could hurt Christie.” The Ledger would be better served keeping its political feelings on the editorial page…rather than in its news coverage.
But…let’s close on more good news – CNN has removed the former Governor of NY…who came to be known as “Client 9”…from its lineup. As a friend once said to me, “the only lineup Spitzer should have been in was one on Rikers Island. The only genuine thing about him was the wool he pulled over people’s eyes.”
Posted by Bob Zito at 7/7/2011 09:01