OWS: A Guy Who Won’t Be Participating

This is the story (it will be brief) of a 29-year-old blue collar guy who won’t be participating in the Operation Wall Street protests today.
Brian Robinson works his butt off (and the butts of others as he helps run a couple of health clubs).
Brian was one of the first recipients of the Cento Amici (http://centoamici.org/scholarships.htm) scholarships. After completing a double major (English and Psychology) at Assumption College and then playing basketball in Europe, Asia and Latin America, he returned to the New York area…got a job…volunteered with inner-city youth organizations to help mentor teens and show them the way to succeed…and is now considering getting his doctorate so he can work in an academic environment.
He’s never asked what society will do for him; he’s paid off all of his loans; and he’s now saving money as he hopes to buy a small condo in Jersey City.
Unfortunately, there will be no cameras following Brian today as he works another 12-hour day, and then shows up at a youth center to help some kids who need the guidance.
Here’s hoping that we begin celebrating the Brian Robinsons of the world…the countless young adults working hard to build successful careers and give back to those who need help in this country.

Two Great Reads

Two great reads on the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal today.
I have to believe most CEO’s and managers would concur with Michael Mukasey’s assessment of “bragging rights” — http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303916904577374552546308474.html?mod=opinion_newsreel
And, as a follow to my note above, the piece on education is on the money: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303513404577356422025164482.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEFTTopOpinion
Posted by Bob Zito on 5/1/2012