First, having personally felt the strength and damage – but not the tremendous destruction – of Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast, our hearts go out to all who have been impacted in any way. This has been a difficult eight days for us, but nothing compared to the experience of those of who have lost loved ones, or seen the destruction of their homes and businesses, by the wrath of this storm.
Tuesday here in America we will consider the course we have taken for the past four years, and elect or re-elect many of our leaders for the next four years.
Jac Nasser, the chairman of BHP, a great global company domiciled in Australia, spoke a few months ago to the Australian Institute of Company Directors. When I re-read his speech this weekend I was struck by the similarities – and differences — our friends “down under” are facing. I thought you also might find it interesting.
View Jac Nasser’s speech.