Kenilworth Detective Shapes Students Lives Teaching L.E.A.D.
KENILWORTH, NJ – Brian Pickton, a cop and detective in Kenilworth for 18 years, not only keeps the community safe, but has been shaping the lives of young students for 10 years instructing the L.E.A.D. program at Harding Elementary and Saint Theresa’s.
The Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence (L.E.A.D.) program allows law enforcement to partner with the school district in order to educate youth on how they can make smart decisions without the involvement of drugs, violence or bullying. It also aims to foster lasting relationships between students and the officers who stop by throughout the classrooms. Founded in 2014 LE.A.D. has the only proven effective law enforcement-focused anti–drug, anti–violence curricula for K-12 students in the United States.
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